This Same Old Place in that New Thing

After over two years of silence I'm finally making my way back to this place. Speaking of this place, it's really not this place but that same ol' place in a new location... with a fresh new coat of paint... and upgraded parts under the hood... and really not at all that same ol' place.

To put it plainly:

  • Same flat-file cms upgraded to the current major release
  • New domain
  • New design
  • Completely new front-end
  • Same ol' content
  • A whole lot more new content

I've stuck with Pico cms at the moment, and in my humble opinion when it comes to flat-file cms philosophy php is still clinging on for its dear life. This twig templating and markdown driven cms is easy to configure and ridiculously pliable when it comes to custom solutions thanks to the aforementioned twig templating engine. Over the last couple of years I've become obsessed with nailing down a solid js driven solution for blogs and all-purpose websites.... but I still feel that it's too early to jump ship from what php, especially with twig, was originally meant for: flat-file cms solutions (taking it back to 2005 amirite?).

Having said that, I'm planing to work on an angular2 powered blog project later on this coming year. Now I know that there's already a fully js cms out there, ghost, but honestly I'm looking for that similar fully customizable feel (from the ground up) of a eflat-file cms with markdown publishing... just with js only. This will probably be a slow going project with everything that's going on right now with work and personal life, as well as a couple front-end projects I'm hoping to release soon, but I'm fully committed to see it through.

Thanks for reading, until I write stuff & things again, I'll catch you on the flip side.